Step by Step Directions to install eTag365 System
It’s easy and quick!
If you have already installed eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer App go to Step 2
Step 1 - Installing eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer App
Be Sure To Turn ON Your Phone's NFC Interface on Android. It is your Setting Menu. iPhone automatically gets turn on when you install the App.
For Android Phone
•Go to your App Store and search for “eTag365 NFC ” and download the free copy of “eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer. App”. If the eTag365 App does not appear put the following link into your browser for Google Store; store/apps/details?id=com.service.sohan.nfcreadwritetest
• Install eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer App.
For Apple iPhone 7.0 & Up
• Go to your App Store and search for “eTag365 NFC ” and download the free copy of “eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer. App”. If the eTag365 App does not appear put the following link into your browser for Apple Store;
• Install eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer App.
Step 2 - Create eTag365 Contact Portal User Profile
To use eTag365 system you must first create a eTag365 Contact Portal User Profile first.
Using Mobile Phone:
1) Open eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer and press or click on eTag365 logo you will be linked to Contact Portal login.
Using Desktop:
1) Click on link
2) Fill out the various field in your User Profile form.
3) Go to the bottom of the page and save the page by and clicking on the “Create / Update Account Profile” button
4) You will automatically taken to Billing option page. If you want to be able to export your contacts or use free eTag365 NFC Sticker to share your contact information you will need to complete the secure Billing section. Enter information in all fields. If you have a Group Code be sure to use it. All information is secure via SSL certificates. BE SURE TO Select SAVE button. eTag365 will email and send you your Free eTag365 NFC Sticker in the mail after you complete the Billing option.
Create eTag365 Contact Manager Portal Home Page Short Cut Icon
Click on the link or go to your favorite browser and enter When eTag365 Contact Manager Portal appears, go over to your options menu in the upper right hand side and click (some times there is just 3 dots) on the menu will appear with options like; “Create Short Cut” or “Add to Home Screen”. Select the option and the following text should appear “eTag365 Contact Manager Portal”. You can change the text to something else if you like. Press the Enter key to save it. The shortcut icon should appear on your Home page.
Step 3 - Get eTag365 Text Scraper
Click on the link or enter it in to your browser
eTag365 Text Scraper is very easy figure out and use. If you need help just view the video.
Create eTag365 Text Scraper Home Page Short Cut Icon
Go to your favorite browser and enter When eTag365 Text Scrap home page appears, go over to your options in the upper right hand side and click (some times there is just 3 dots) on the menu will appear with options like; “Create Short Cut” or “Add to Home Screen”. Select the option and the following text should appear “eTag365 Text Scrap”. You can change the text to something else if you like. Press the Enter key to save it. The shortcut icon should appear on your Home Screen.
Step 4 -When You Receive Your eTag365 NFC Sticker Tag Follow the Directions below.
How to put your Contact information on an eTag365 NFC Paper Sticker
- Click on eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer App. and open it up.
- Press the red “WRITER” Button and fill in the contact information screen form on the phone App with your information. Place the top/ middle of your phone (for Apple iPhone near earphone jack) very close to the eTag365 NFC Paper Sticker, which is enclosed in the package and press the “WRITE” button. It will tell you if you were successful in writing the information on to the eTag365 NFC Paper Sticker. If it does not tell you that you were successful, you have entered too much information (over 320 bytes) or not close enough to NFC reader of your phone. Remove some information and try again to write the data until it tells you that you were successful.
- To test it, Press Cancel button and go to red Reader button and press Tap your phone on the sticker and the information you entered will appear. You can change the information by just re-doing the previous steps.
- In most cases, you may have to Tap the phone twice to show information. Now press the “Cancel” Button,
- Un-stick the eTag365 NFC Sticker and place it anywhere that it does not interfere with NFC communications like; business, metal, plastic card, tag or anywhere else! Be sure that the eTag365 Sticker is not in close proximity to your phone’s NFC reader, else the phone will unnecessarily constantly read and display your own contact information.
- Now you’re ready to share your contact information. Just go up to a person who has a mobile phone with a NFC interface phone like Android or iphone and Tap on it. Be sure they have their NFC turned on. If not, have them download the free eTag365 NFC Reader / Writer App from the App stores.